How to Become a

How to Become a Prompt Engineer: Skills, Requirements, and Career Guide

Reviewed By Product Expert and Coach
Elizabeth Hogue
July 17, 2024

Chances are, if you've found your way to this page, you're already pretty technically savvy. Prompt Engineering is a brand new field, and developed as a response to the rapid rise of Large Language Models, or LLMs. We expect this role to be one of the fastest growing entry-level careers in 2024 and beyond, and it's great to get in on the ground floor.

The concept of prompt engineering refers to the practice of crafting effective prompts or questions to guide AI language models like ChatGPT to generate desired responses or outcomes. It involves understanding the model's capabilities and limitations, as well as applying techniques that can help extract more accurate and relevant information.

If you're interested in becoming a prompt engineer, this guide is for you. We'll walk you through the essential skills and requirements for the role, as well as the various career paths and opportunities currently available and likely for the future. Let's get started!

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What is a Prompt Engineer?

A prompt engineer is a professional who specializes in crafting effective prompts or questions that guide AI language models like ChatGPT to generate accurate and relevant responses.

This role possess a deep understanding of the model's capabilities and limitations and is skilled in applying various techniques to maximize the desired answers or outcomes. Prompt engineers play a crucial role in optimizing human-AI interaction, enabling users to unlock the full potential of AI-powered conversations. By refining the way users communicate with language models, prompt engineers help to ensure that AI-generated content is more reliable, contextually appropriate, and insightful, ultimately enhancing the overall user experience.

Responsibilities of a Prompt Engineer

Until recent years, AI and ML (machine learning) have seemed like tools of the far future. Now that's actually not the case at all. Here are some practical use cases and team examples that could benefit from the addition of a prompt engineer.

Prompt Engineer Business Cases

Various tech teams can benefit from having a prompt engineer on board, as effective communication with AI language models is essential in numerous fields. Some examples include:

  • Content Generation: Teams working on AI-driven content creation tools, such as article writers or social media managers, can leverage the expertise of prompt engineers to ensure that generated content is relevant, coherent, and well-structured. Prompt engineers can also help create structure for articles, and relevant category outlines.
  • Marketing Channel Support: Teams working to optimize website SEO or paid media/search can utilize prompt engineers to provide them with the most relevant and useful information to speed up the research process. A good example of this is asking ChatGPT to write meta-data tags and H2 suggestions for new content to optimize SEO (we are guilty of this here at Bridged-- but we know first hand that it works!)
  • Data Analysis: Analysts who work with AI models for processing and analyzing large datasets can benefit from prompt engineers to help them ask the right questions, ensuring the extraction of meaningful insights and accurate conclusions. Make sure you don't use anything proprietary though!
  • Market Research: Teams conducting market research using AI language models to gather information or analyze consumer sentiment can benefit from prompt engineers to fine-tune their queries, leading to more accurate and actionable results. This could save research teams thousands of hours of manual data collecting and connecting user sentiments across platforms.
  • Customer Support: Teams that utilize AI-powered chatbots or support systems can benefit from prompt engineers who can optimize queries to deliver more accurate and helpful responses to customer inquiries. This can help improving customer satisfaction and reduce the need for human intervention.

By incorporating a prompt engineer into these different technical teams teams, organizations can enhance the effectiveness of their AI-driven tools, improve user experiences, and maximize the overall potential of AI-powered solutions.

So what exactly does a Prompt Engineer do?

A prompt engineer is responsible for optimizing the communication between users and AI language models like ChatGPT by crafting effective questions or "prompts." Their primary goal is to ensure that AI-generated responses are accurate, relevant, and contextually appropriate. Some specific tasks a prompt engineer might perform include:

  • Analyzing user interactions: Reviewing user inputs and AI-generated responses to identify areas for improvement and understand the model's behavior in various contexts.
  • Crafting effective prompts: Developing and refining prompts or queries to guide the AI language model towards generating desired outcomes, while considering factors like context, clarity, and relevance.
  • Testing and iterating: Experimenting with different prompt structures, phrasings, and techniques to determine the most effective approaches for various use cases or user needs.
  • Collaborating with product and development teams: Working closely with AI developers, data scientists, and other team members to integrate prompt engineering best practices into AI-driven tools, products, or services.
  • Providing guidelines and best practices: Developing documentation or resources to help company users (otherwise known as "internal" users) communicate more effectively with AI language models, which may include tips on structuring questions, avoiding ambiguity, or specifying context.
  • Model fine-tuning: Collaborating with data scientists and AI developers to identify areas where the AI model itself might require fine-tuning or retraining to better understand specific contexts or domains.
  • Monitoring and evaluation: Continuously monitoring the performance of AI-generated responses and user interactions, gathering feedback, and making necessary adjustments to maintain and improve the quality of AI-powered conversations.

By focusing on these tasks, a prompt engineer can significantly enhance the effectiveness of AI-driven tools and improve the overall user experience by ensuring more reliable, context-aware, and insightful AI-generated content.

Prompt Engineer Team Members

This is such a new role that these engineers can take all shapes and forms. We've done extensive research so you don't have to, and it seems like these folks mostly end up on product or marketing teams -- if not on their own island! For general product teams we'd recommend you check out the roles of Product Analyst, UX Designer, UX Researcher, Project Manager, and maybe some engineering roles. For marketing teams we'd recommend checking out SEO analyst, Paid Media Analyst, and Marketing Coordinator to close out the loop. Lots of reading for ya!

Education Requirements

Do I need a degree to be a Prompt Engineer?

While a degree is not strictly required to become a prompt engineer, having a strong background in relevant fields can be beneficial. A degree in computer science, linguistics, cognitive science, or a related field can provide you with the foundational knowledge needed to understand AI language models, natural language processing, and human-computer interaction. But definitely not necessary! We'd recommend a strong grasp on writing and a willingness to experiment as core competencies more important than a degree.

To build on this, practical skills and experience often play a much more significant role in prompt engineering than degrees. To excel in this role, it is essential to develop a deep understanding of AI language models like ChatGPT, their capabilities, and limitations. Familiarity with various techniques for crafting effective prompts, as well as experience working with AI-driven tools, products, or services, is invaluable.

If you're new here to Bridged, we're glad to meet you! We are huge fans of alternate forms of education, and recommend specific certifications to target skills. While this job works great with degrees, you have other options.

Our Favorite Prompt Engineering & ChatGPT Certifications

File:Vanderbilt University logo.svg - Wikimedia Commons

Vanderbilt University's Prompt Engineering for ChatGPT

This program comes with a certification from prestigious Vanderbilt that is resume-worthy and verifiable on Linkedin. This is the primary reason we rank this course the highest-- showing employers you took the time to get certified, especially in such a new field, does wonders in the job market. This program teaches strong prompt engineering skills and topics such as how to generate content writing, summarization, game play, planning, simulation, and programming. This course is a flat cost of $49, but you can audit for free!

Learn More

File:Parsons School of Design Logo - Full.svg - Wikimedia Commons

Parson's Creativity and AI Specialization

This specialization is a little more broad, but we especially loved the course on Artificial Creativity for prompt engineers to learn how to engage ChatGPT for more artistic endeavors. This specialization offers a hands-on approach to discover the creative potential of AI and learn design methods to expand your creative capacity. It's also only $39/month (and can be completed in that!) and comes with a great sharable certificate.

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Copenhagen Business School - NFF

Copenhagen Business School's AI and the Illusion of Intelligence

This is a more theoretical program around the history and philosophy of AI. It touches a lot on the brilliant mathematician Alan Turing and his work around artificial intelligence (I loved this part). We recommend this course because it's important to understand the origins of where AI came from to see the future potential. There's also a lot of helpful references to intelligent communication with the programs. This is also $49, so we'd recommend starting with one of the others as job-training, then auditing this one for deeper understanding.

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Salary and Career Potential

What is a Prompt Engineer's salary?

This is a tricky one, because these roles are too new for popular salary sites to aggregate them. Lots of sites out there say prompt engineers make an upwards of $200k, but this is likely looking at engineering prompters who already know how to code. We anticipate these roles to make around 75k for their entry-level salary.

Career Path of an Prompt Engineer

This is another question that is incredibly green fielded for most entry-level prompt engineers. We'll give you a sample path based on what we think would mesh best, with an emphasis on product management:

  • Prompt Engineer. Spend 2-4 years here.
  • Product Manager, or Associate Product Manager: Spend about 2-4 years at each level here.
  • Senior Product Manager: Spend about 3-5 years here.
  • Senior AI Product Manager: Spend about 3-5 years here. This would correlate nicely with the prompt engineering experience for understanding what the models are looking for.
  • Director of Product: This one is tricky, but most folks spend roughly 4-6 years here. We wouldn't be surprised if we start seeing Director of AI popping up as a role sometime soon. We warned you!

Job Requirements and Skills

Popular Job Description of a Prompt Engineer

We've used AI (no pun intended?) to aggregate the top job descriptions used by hiring managers looking for Prompt Engineers. When putting your resume together, try to mimic these listings. To learn more about this process, check out our partner Jobscan for a comprehensive resume review.

  • Analyze user interactions with AI language models to identify areas for improvement and understand model behavior in various contexts.
  • Develop and refine effective prompts or questions to guide AI language models towards generating desired outcomes while considering factors like context, clarity, and relevance.
  • Test and iterate on different prompt structures, phrasings, and techniques to determine the most effective approaches for various use cases and user needs.
  • Collaborate with AI developers, data scientists, and other team members to integrate prompt engineering best practices into AI-driven tools, products, or services.
  • Develop guidelines and best practices to help users communicate more effectively with AI language models.
  • Work with data scientists and AI developers to identify areas where the AI model might require fine-tuning or retraining to better understand specific contexts or domains.
  • Continuously monitor and evaluate the performance of AI-generated responses and user interactions, gathering feedback and making necessary adjustments to maintain and improve the quality of AI-powered conversations.

Top Technical Skills of a Prompt Engineer

We've compiled what we can for prompt engineers to record the most common requirements to save you time. These are a little in-the-weeds, but it's good to be familiar with the concepts to talk about ways you've demonstrated them.

  • Human-computer interaction (HCI): Knowledge of HCI principles and best practices, which can help inform the design of more user-friendly and effective prompts.
  • Text processing: Skills in text preprocessing, tokenization, and other text manipulation techniques, which can be useful for working with large datasets or generated content.
  • API integration: Experience working with APIs, particularly those related to AI language models, which may be required for integrating prompt engineering solutions into products or services.
  • AI language model understanding: Familiarity with the architecture, functionality, and limitations of AI language models like GPT-3, ChatGPT, and similar platforms.
  • Natural language processing (NLP): Knowledge of NLP concepts, techniques, and tools for analyzing and processing human language, enabling more effective interactions with AI language models.

Top Tools of a Prompt Engineer

This is pretty straightforward, with ChatGPT and Google's Bard taking the cake. But we'll outline some other technical tools for things like communication and collaboration so you can get familiar with those too!

For Prompting

  • ChatGPT
  • Bard AI(LaMDA)
  • Jasper AI
  • ChatSonic
  • YouChat
  • Writer

For Team Collaboration

  • Notion
  • Roadmunk
  • Aha!
  • Clickup
  • Roadmunk
  • Trello

For Engineering Management

  • Jira
  • Trello
  • Confluence
  • Roadmunk
  • Notion

Key Traits of a Successful Prompt Engineer

Analytical thinking: The ability to dissect complex problems, identify patterns, and draw meaningful conclusions from data, user interactions, and AI-generated responses.
Creativity: The capacity to think outside the box and come up with innovative approaches to crafting effective prompts that elicit accurate and relevant responses from AI language models.
Communication skills: The ability to clearly express ideas, collaborate effectively with cross-functional teams, and convey prompt engineering concepts and best practices to others.
Patience: The willingness to work through multiple iterations of prompts, conduct extensive testing, and make incremental improvements to achieve the desired outcomes.
Adaptability: The ability to learn from feedback, adjust to new developments in AI technology, and continuously refine prompt engineering techniques in a rapidly evolving field.
Attention to detail: The capacity to meticulously analyze user interactions and AI-generated responses to identify subtle patterns, areas for improvement, and potential pitfalls.
Critical thinking: The capacity to objectively evaluate the effectiveness of different prompt engineering techniques and make informed decisions about the best approach to achieve desired outcomes.

Get Prompt Engineer Experience

This is a tricky one, but the best way to get prompt experience is to practice. There are free versions of all these language models. We recommend crafting a strategy for each type of ask-- analysis, engineering, marketing, product, and have those ready to show off in an interview.

Real talk: because there aren't a lot of these roles yet, we'd recommend completing and getting certified with the Vanderbilt course to get a leg up over the competition-- and to decide if it's for you!

To become a prompt engineer without a formal degree, consider the following steps:

  1. Self-study: Learn about AI language models, natural language processing, and human-computer interaction through online resources, books, or courses.
  2. Hands-on practice: Experiment with AI language models like ChatGPT, GPT-3, or similar platforms to understand their behavior and develop your skills in crafting effective prompts.
  3. Online courses or workshops: Enroll in relevant courses or workshops that focus on AI language models, natural language processing, or human-computer interaction to deepen your understanding and practical skills.
  4. Networking: Connect with professionals in the AI field, attend conferences or meetups, and share your experiences and insights with like-minded individuals.
  5. Build a portfolio: Showcase your prompt engineering skills by creating a portfolio of effective prompts and AI-generated responses, which can demonstrate your expertise to potential employers or clients.

By combining self-directed learning, hands-on experience, and networking, you can develop the skills and expertise needed to succeed as a prompt engineer, even without a formal degree.

Get Started with a Bridged Recommendation

Duke University Presents

Review: AI Product Management Specialization by Duke University

Duke University has created a fabulous program for product managers to get familiar with AI principles. Previous product management experience is recommended!
Read Full Guide


In conclusion, prompt engineers play a crucial role in optimizing the communication between users and AI language models, ensuring accurate, relevant, and contextually appropriate responses. With a unique combination of technical skills, personal traits, and core competencies, these professionals bridge the gap between complex AI capabilities and user-friendly interactions.

As AI-powered solutions continue to permeate various industries and applications, the demand for skilled prompt engineers is expected to grow. By developing the right skillset and embracing the traits outlined in this guide, aspiring prompt engineers can excel in this burgeoning field and contribute significantly to the advancement and adoption of AI-driven tools and services.

Here at Bridged we are huge fans of stacking micro-certifications to achieve desired career results. We're building a product to make your career planning fun and affordable, and we'd love to talk to YOU! Was this article helpful? Did you land an interview for a product management role?

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Check out our sources!

Glassdoor Team. “Salary: Prompt Engineers (April, 2023) | Glassdoor.” Glassdoor, 1 April. 2023.

Elizabeth Hogue
Bridged's co-founder Elizabeth is wildly passionate about reading books, writing (bad) short stories, and helping her friends find new jobs.


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